Local Candidates Recommendation Policies

Below are the Local Candidates Recommendation Policies.
The Local Candidate Recommendation Committee (“LCRC”) is authorized by the Association’s Bylaws pursuant to C.A.R. and NAR policies.
The LCRC interviews candidates for elected office and reports to the Board of Directors, via the CEO, by the Government Affairs Director which candidates to support and the amount of support recommended to the California Real Estate Political Action Committee (“CREPAC”).
The LCRC is comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair and REALTOR® members. Seven REALTOR® members are chosen to serve as LCRC Trustees for 2 three-year staggered terms. The immediate past LCRC Chair and the current Chair and Vice Chair of the Legislative/Public Policy Committee serve as advisory, non-voting members of the LCRC. There are no alternate Trustees. A current GLAR CREPAC Trustee and/or current NAR REALTOR® Action Fund (“RAF”) Trustee may serve as an advisor non-voting member of LCRC.
1. As provided in the CREPAC Local Candidate Recommendation Committee Cooperative Agreement which is incorporated herein as amended from time to time.
2. The LCRC Trustees will follow the C.A.R. Local Candidate Recommendation Committee Policies & Procedures.
3. The LCRC will operate under the following guidelines:
1) Trustees may choose to hold meetings via in-person meetings, teleconference, or electronically.
2) Meetings will be facilitated by the Government Affairs Director.
3) All actions of the LCRC Trustees will be CONFIDENTIAL until released by the Chair and/or Government Affairs Director.
4) No candidate will be funded without an interview by the LCRC Trustees.
5) LCRC Trustees and Government Affairs Director will create questions for candidates to answer during the interview process.
6) When there are several candidates in a race, Trustees may, at their option, create a questionnaire for candidates to complete before any interviews take place.
7) Candidates will be notified of the decisions of the LCRC Trustees by the Chair or the Government Affairs Director.
8) LCRC Trustees may select a maximum of one candidate per elective office.
9) Trustees are limited to financial contributions to candidates, commonly known as “support.”
10) Trustees are encouraged to interview candidates for State offices and make recommendations to the CREPAC for State offices.
11) All candidates supported by the Trustees may be promoted via the communications systems of Association with the approval of the CEO.
12) Endorsements occur when a candidate has a proven track record on Association issues and established relationship with Association.
13) Endorsements are not made by LCRC Trustees. Trustees may request that the Board of Directors of Association consider an endorsement.
14) The Association Board of Directors has the sole discretion of granting an endorsement.
15) Endorsement would include: Increased Fundraising efforts for candidate; and Association sponsoring fundraisers for the candidate, and, Association Directors make individual contributions to candidate to, at least, match LCRC contribution, and, allow candidate to use Association logo on promotion material.
16) Trustees must make every effort to search out information on upcoming candidates and elections. Trustees should share any information with all the other Trustees and the Government Affairs Director. Trustees must perform their own due diligence to gather as much information on candidates and elective races as possible.
17) Each September, the LCRC Chair will appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of the Chair, one Trustee who has a term that does not expire at the end of the year, and one member at large who contributes to the RAF. No Nominating Committee member will be eligible for selection.
18) Notice of LCRC Trustee vacancies will be posted on the Association website, featured in the Association newsletter and any other medium available.
19) Applicants will complete an Association LCRC Trustee Application. LCRC applicants must be a current active member of the Public Policy Committee and have participated in interviews, forums, and other activities of the committee. Applicants shall be a REALTOR® member in good standing of the Association and contributor to the RAF at the current “True-Cost-of-Doing-Business” level.
20) Nominating Committee will review all applications received by the last business day of September. A recommendation of a slate will be presented at the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting in October for ratification.
21) Trustees will be subject to Term Limits: Two three-year terms, then one year off LCRC before eligible for another term.
22) The LCRC Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected by a Motion of the LCRC Trustees as the first action at the first meeting of the new year.
23) Removal of an LCRC Trustee. The Chair of the LCRC may ask for the removal of any Trustee of the LCRC, subject to a ratification vote of the LCRC Trustees.
24) In the case of a vacancy, a Replacement Trustee will fill the vacancy for the remaining calendar year. A qualified Replacement Trustee will be selected by the current LCRC Chair, subject to ratification by the Association’s Board of Directors. Any remaining term will be filled by a qualified applicant chosen by the Nominating Committee for the remainder of the term at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
25) In the case of a vacancy of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall assume the position of the Chair and make an appointment of a new Trustee. A new Vice Chair shall be elected at the next LCRC meeting.
26) Trustees shall be contributors to the RAF at the current “True-Cost-of-Doing- Business” level.
27) All LCRC Members must sign a CREPAC LCRC Confidentiality Agreement before the beginning of each year.
28) Trustees will follow the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
29) Electronic meetings will be Motions and voting only, and shall be initiated by the Trustee Chair.
30) If, during an electronic meeting, discussion is requested by any Trustee, the electronic meeting will cease and a teleconference will be scheduled as soon as possible. The Motion will be presented on the teleconference as already on the floor for discussion.
31) LCRC Trustees only vote on monetary support for candidates and independent expenditure campaigns.
32) LCRC may offer monetary support to only one candidate for each elective position.
33) LCRC Trustees are the sole decision makers on monetary support and independent expenditures to C.A.R. and/or NAR and are not subject to approval or review.
34) LCRC Trustees must participate in candidate interviews.
35) LCRC Trustees must perform their own due diligence to gather as much information on candidates and elective races as possible.
36) All discussions regarding candidate selection shall be considered CONFIDENTIAL. Trustees are not to discuss or put in writing, with anyone other than the Trustees and/or the Government Affairs Director.